Operation and Control of Transmission and Distribution Power Electric Systems is engaged IFAC within TC 3.6. On the other hand the associations CIGRE and CIRED are directly aimed to the same problems. In addition, there are other associations focused in this direction, ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) and EDSO (European Distribution System Operators). The goal of this workshop is to establish cooperation between IFAC TC 6.3 and relevant international associations CIGRE, CIRED and also ENTSO-E and EDSO.
Realization of increasing involvement of industry will be done primarily through the associations CIGRE and CIRED. One of the ways realization will be granting „Industrial Achievement Award“.
In addition to the technical sections will be organized technical tours to the Temelin Nuclear Power Plant (150 km south of the Prague), CEZ Hydro PP – Cascade Vltava River and Pumped Storage Power Plant Štěchovice (80 km south),.
Focus on education will be largely ensured by technical universities, their representatives and students, who are Supporting Organizations, members of the committees, and workshop participants. There will be granting “Student Paper Award“ and organizing „Student Competition“.
Realization of increasing involvement of women will be provided by IPC Vice-Chair, e.g. through thegranting “Edith Clarke Woman Paper Prize”, which will be founded in Prague.