Czech Energy Transmission System
ČEPS is the company providing the Czech Republic operating electricity transmission networks – Czech Transmission System Operator (TSO).
Maintains, restores and develops 41 substations with 71 transformers transferring electricity from the transmission to the grid, routes and lines with voltage level of 400 kV with a length of 3508 km of 220 kV and a length of 1910 km.
CEPS provides transmission System Services in the Czech Republic (with the help of Ancillary Services, that CEPS purchases from producers) and dispatching ensures a balance between production and consumption of electrical energy at any given moment. Simultaneously, the company is integrated into European structures ENTSO-E.
Allocated by auctioning transmission capacity for export, import and transit of electricity. The company is also involved in the formation of the electricity market in Europe.
Currently, the company CEPS installed in the north-Czech substations Hradec new Phase Shift Transformer (PST) as a defense against overflow of energy from the north German wind powers farms.
Czech Distribution Systems
In the Czech Republic have a different distribution system operator.
In the case of an electrical distribution system, it is an interconnected set of lines and equipment 110 kV, with the exception of selected lines and equipment 110 kV, which are part of the transmission system and power lines and equipment with voltages 0.4 / 0.23 kV and 3 kV, 6 kV, 10 kV, 22 kV and 35 kV is used for the distribution of electricity in a designated area of the Czech Republic, including systems for measurement, protection, control, security, information and telecommunications technology. The distribution system is established and operated in the public interest.
Distribution system ensures transmission of electric power from the transmission system to individual end users. Simultaneously used for connection of electricity generating plants on low power (of the order to power tens of MW).
In the Czech Republic the most important DSOs are owned by CEZ Distribution, Inc., which operates a distribution system in the former West Bohemia, North Bohemia, Central Bohemia, East Bohemia and North Moravia.
Furthermore, it is E.ON Distribution, which operates as a distribution system within the territory of the former South Bohemia and South Moravia.
The last major company is PREdistribuce, which operates a distribution system in the Capital City of Prague and town near Roztoky (where is located company Nuclear Research Institute – UJV Řež).