
It’s a great pleasure to welcome you to the

IFAC with Czech and Slovak National Committee CIGRE / Czech National Committee CIRED Workshop on Control of Transmission and Distribution Smart Grids – CTDSG’16.

Dear Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to Workshop of the International Federation of Automatic Control, taking place in Prague, Czech Republic.
The IFAC Workshop CTDSG´16 is the forum for the exploration of the frontiers in control of transmission and distribution systems. This Workshop is attended by a worldwide audience of scientists and engineers from academia and industry, with the widest coverage of application Smart Grids fields.
Operation and Control of Transmission and Distribution Power Electric Systems is engaged IFAC within Technical Committee on Power and Energy Systems (TC 6.3). On the other hand the associations CIGRE (International Council on Large Electric Systems) and CIRED (International Congress of Electrical Distribution Networks) are directly aimed to the same problems.
In addition, there are other associations focused in this direction, ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) and EDSO (European Distribution System Operators). The goal of this workshop is to establish cooperation between IFAC and relevant international associations CIGRE, CIRED and also ENTSO-E and EDSO.

The involvement of industry will be done primarily through the associations CIGRE and CIRED. One of the ways realization will be granting „Industrial Achievement Award“.

Currently, the membership base of Czech & Slovak NC CIGRE formed:
Five collective industrial members (ABB Energo sro, CEPS, OTE CR, EGU Brno, VUJE Trnava], and
Four Universities (Czech Technical University in Prague, STU Bratislava, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Brno University of Technology), and about 70 individual members.

The members of Czech NC CIRED as the national and international industrial companies (number 35):
ABB, AZ Elektrostav, ComAp, Czech TSO: ČEPS, ČEZ Distribution, ČEZ Renewable Energy Sources, ČEZ Group, E.ON Czech, E.ON Distribution, EATON Elektrotechnika, EGC EnerGoConsult ČB, EGE, EGST, EGÚ Brno, ELCOM, ELTECH CZ, ELVAC IPC, ENERGON, Ensto Czech, Landis+Gyr, Mega, MicroStep–HDO, ORGREZ, Pražská energetika (Prague Energy), PRE Distribution, Right Power Sources, Schneider Electric CZ, Schrack Technik, SIEMENS, SSE Distribution, Tyco Electronics Czech, VSE Distribution, ZSE, ZSE Distribution, ZPA Smart Energy.

In addition to the technical sections will be organized technical tours.

The IFAC Workshop CTDSG´16 is also supported by Czech Technical Platform Smart Grids.The CTPSG is association of legal entities in the energy sector in order to foster innovation energy systems in the Czech Republic by introducing the concept of Smart Grids.

The involvement of women will be provided by IPC Vice-Chair, e.g. through the granting “Edith Clarke Woman Paper Prize”, which will be founded in Prague.

Apart from an interesting and stimulating program there will of course be time to explore Prague, a beautiful and very old Czech city and numerous fascinating UNESCO and other tourist attractions within a short drive from the city.
We would like to invite you to register for the workshop and take advantage of the opportunity to travel to Czech Republic and experience this beautiful country.

Yours sincerely
Chair of IPC, Prof. Kwang Y. Lee (USA)
IPC Co-Chair: Prof. Harald Weber (DE)
Chair of NOC: Prof. Michael Valášek (CZ)
NOC Co-Chair: Dr. Petr Neuman (CZ)
